Beyond the obvious cardiovascular benefits of training for a triathlon, you also get a great strength building benefit as well. Each discipline helps build very specific upper body and lower body strength, as well as significant core strength, which you don’t always get in other forms of training. It also helps to keep training interesting. 모바일섯다 You’re always changing the type of workout, alternating sports, and have the ability to keep challenging yourself. Every race is different and there are so many out there you can participate in. Best thing is that you can participate in this sport for a lifetime and compete at any age. In terms of a mental benefit, personally, I don’t think you can underestimate the feeling; the high you get when you finish a race, regardless of the distance. Also, the people you meet are the most positive people you will ever encounter. There is such a great community of triathletes, of ALL ages, out there that you can always find support, encouragement and motivation to help you along the way.